Monday, April 7, 2008

Hitch Hiker After Thought

Looking back, our group’s decision to write on Douglas Adam’s masterpiece was an extremely successful one. Not working with a piece of literature that everyone in the group was very familiar with brought with it an interesting dynamic. The three members of the group each brought with them varying levels of knowledge about the work and about Douglas Adams. Rather than going into the story blindly, we were lead into the books with certain aspects to pay attention to and eventually draw our own conclusions from.

Our initial group wiki proved to be a work of great collaboration between the members while we attempt to master the form of the ‘wiki’. What came out of it was a great combination of visual art with some definitions for fans looking to further their knowledge of the story. The importance of fan fiction within that aspect of literature is immense. We are seeing a new form of post-literature forming that truly changes the way authors now write their books. The immediacy of the internet has caused worldwide collaboration to become instant.

I hope that our project will be seen at least by a couple of random Adams fans. I know some people within our class will see it and possibly they might show some other people who are also fans. I guess that is how fan fiction starts, as a small project that just slowly and slowly builds in a more traditional sense. The internet these days has become a place where instant stardom can be born. What we are attempting here is a platform for other to eventually build and improve upon so it can reach as many people and positvely influence furthering their own Hitch Hiker experience.

While writing for my posts as Eddie the super computer on board the ship named “The Heart of Gold” I found myself doing something that has not happened writing on WORD for a long time. I found myself enjoying what I was doing; the writing came natural (not sure what that says about my natural writing ability) but it flowed from my fingertips onto this screen that I am now once again staring at. I had fun writing for this blog, I found myself wanting to write more and words filled the page seamlessly. I know this may all sound extremely cliché, but this is what impacted me most about the group projects. I loved continuing the story for Eddie. I felt as though his voice (albeit an annoying one) was not fully heard throughout the story; that a computer of his mass intelligence would most likely have the best answers for their own unique situations.

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